healthcare reform

Healthcare Reform Throughout the Years

An recent article published by Becker's Hospital Review highlights the history of healthcare reform throughout the years. In this article Jerry W. Taylor from Stites & Harbison, breaks down healthcare reform beginning with the post-war era of President Truman, all the way to the present day Obama administration. Taylor offers great non-partisan insights into the never ending journey of healthcare reform. Below is an excerpt from Taylor's article.

"A Brief History on the Road to Healthcare Reform: From Truman to Obama

Written by Jerry W. Taylor, JD, Stites & Harbison | February 11, 2014

A brief history of healthcare reform in the U.S., through the years.

The healthcare and insurance industries, and all of us as healthcare consumers, are experiencing the birth pangs of the difficult roll out of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The natural inclination is to view the PPACA as unique in its scope, impact and political implications. But such a view is myopic, for the road to healthcare reform in America is well traveled. Every American presidential administration following the end of World War II has, to some extent, proposed or supported changes to the healthcare system in this country. And many of those previous reforms have been eerily similar to some of the provisions in the PPACA."

To continue reading the entire article visit Becker's Hospital Review.